The pre-exposure vaccination for rabies prevention involves receiving a series of rabies vaccines before potential exposure to the virus. This is especially recommended for individuals at higher risk of coming into contact with rabies, such as veterinarians, animal handlers, travelers to rabies-endemic areas, and lab workers dealing with the rabies virus.
Schedule for Pre-Exposure Rabies Vaccination:
- Three Doses:
- Day 0: First dose.
- Day 7: Second dose.
- Day 21 or 28: Third dose.
Key Points:
- Pre-exposure vaccination does not eliminate the need for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) if bitten or exposed but simplifies the treatment. Only two booster doses are needed after exposure, and no rabies immunoglobulin is required.
- It offers protection in case of delayed access to medical care after exposure.
Who Should Consider It?
- Travelers visiting areas where rabies is common, especially for prolonged stays or in rural areas.
- Professionals such as veterinarians, wildlife workers, or laboratory researchers working with rabies virus.
- Children living in rabies-endemic areas, as they are more likely to have unrecognized animal bites.
Vaccine Details:
- Common vaccines: Purified Chick Embryo Cell Vaccine (PCECV) or Human Diploid Cell Vaccine (HDCV).
- Administered via intramuscular injection, usually in the deltoid muscle.
Consult a healthcare provider to assess your risk and discuss vaccination options.